Are your meters and measuring instruments your are using now are accurate?
When various meters and measuring instruments are used for certain period, they become inaccurate by various factors such as surrounding environment, frequency, durability, etc. To receive the recognition on the products in the world market, Securing the precision and accuracy of the meters and measuring instruction is basic.
What benefits does accurate measurement provide for the company?
What is needed to measure correctly?
The company should possess accurate measuring instrument and require to maintain appropriate measuring environment, national measurement standard and traceability.
The company need to understand measurement uncertainty and has good measurement skills.
※ If you do not follow these rules, the reliability of product is not guaranteed as well as the validity of the measurement results.
Why is the periodic calibration required?
As the measurement occupies part of our life, it should be performed accurately and to do that, the periodic calibration of meters and measuring instruments is required.
Correct use of the meters and measuring instrument is directly connected to the interest of manufacturer and consumer.
Damage caused by inaccurate measuring instrument
- Manufacturer : Cause the additional cost by the mass-production of nonconformed product
- Consumer : Insufficient quantity of food and beverage, frequent failure of various machinery and insufficient safety.
- Medical field : Pain by the misdiagnosis, and additional medical expenses.
What is traceability?
It means that the measured value can be recognized internationally by matching the measured value performed by industry with the measurement standards
determined by the country according to the measured value in SI, which is determined internationally.

The method to guarantee the accuracy of the measurement through the unbreakable link refers to traceability, and the national measurement standards and
traceability are maintained through the periodic calibration only.
Matching with the global standards of BIPM, Government makes KRISS and KASTO to perform the tasks to develop the national measurement standards and to
improve the maintenance of traceability and allows them to use the cost required for that by collecting the fee as a part of calibration fee (standard traceability fee).
※ Measuring instrument should be calibrated with the standard having higher level of accuracy.
What is measurement uncertainty?
It cannot be said that all the measurements are accurate. Therefore, the degree of uncertainty on the measured value should be shown.
The degree of uncertainty in the measurement is referred to as measurement uncertainty, which is the doubt existed in the measured value.
- [ Measured value = Average measured value ± Measurement uncertainty ]
- ※ It is expressed as 200 mm ± 2 mm (95% confidence level) in the calibration report,
which means that the probability that the measured value is within the
range from 198mm to 202mm is 95%)
※ As such, the confidence on the measured value can be shown by determining the range of uncertainty on the measurement results.
Calibration Fee
Calibration fee, which is paid in exchange of calibration is set with the personnel and material costs required for calibration of the meter and measuring
instrument and with the standard traceability fee to secure, maintain and improve the traceability with national measurement standards.
Standard traceability fee is used for the expenses to maintain the standard traceability across all the processes from the international and national measurement
standards to the industries through the national calibration laboratories. and its benefits are returned to the industries and test and inspection institutions,
which are using meter and measuring instrument, and ultimately to all people.
For what is the standard traceability fee used?
- To compare with international measurement standards.
- To develop, maintain and improve the national measurement standards
- To develop and distribute standard calibration procedure, of which validity is verified.
- To foster the high-quality precision measurement technical manpower
- To support the operation of national calibration system
- To develop and operate the proficiency test program to improve the measuring ability
- It contribute to the distribution of the measurement standards at the international level by using it for investigation, research, data publishing,
provision of information, etc. to improve the measurement accuracy
What is the role of KOLAS?
Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (KOLAS) contributes to the development of industry by improving the calibration, test and inspection capability to the international level through the establishment and operation of national measurement standard system and is making effort to improve its international status with various activities related to international cooperation such as Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA), etc.
What does Korea Association of Standars Testing Organizations do?
As an institution of performing the projects commissioned and designated by Government for the development of calibration and industrial measurement and for the weighing industry fostering, KASTO contributes as follows not only to improve the calibration ability of the national calibration laboratories but also to secure the accuracy in industrial measurement.
- Education, investigation and research, publication of data, provision of information and publicity to improve the precision and accuracy of measurement
- Development and improvement of calibration method and procedure
- Support the national calibration laboratory related to accreditation evaluation and develop the proficiency test program
- Development and distribution of technical standards of meter and measuring instrument and collective standards
- Increase of cooperation with international organizations and related overseas organizations related to measurement
- Development of weighing and measuring industry by performing other projects regarding the development of weighing industry and improvement of measurement precision
What is the role of national calibration laboratory?
It guarantees the validity of the measuring instrument used in the industry or accredited laboratory through the calibration by receiving the national measurement standards from Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS), the representative measurement standards institution, participates in the development of various calibration technologies together with KRISS and KASTO and playes the pivotal role in building and maintaining the national measurement foundation by diffusing the measurement technology information.